There is only one of these cards. It features not only the iconic Haas team boss Guenther Steiner but also the most vibrant set of patches that we can imagine. It was love at first site for Authenticsgg and it will take a significant offer for us to part with this.
The all-autograph 2022 Topps Dynasty Formula 1 Racing checklist features premium cards with low print runs. The Dynasty Autograph Patch line is numbered to 10 copies or less. Collectors can find specific swatches via Dynasty Autograph Flag (#/2), Racing Glove (#/10), Suit Nameplate (#/2) and Suit Zipper (#/10). These have one-of-one Jumbo editions.
When ordering this card your card PSA Certification Number can be different from the PSA Certification Number on the displayed card.
Since this card has a PSA grade their condition and authenticity is already verified.